1-2 hours - Plan, assess, refresh and purchase:
- Walk around your home and complete a wildfire checklist. Pay special attention to the zone 0-5 feet from your structure.
- Make or refresh your family members’ go-bags. Or, if your go-bags are ready, make a go-bag to give to a neighbor.
- If you live in an area where Public Safety Power Shutoffs are likely, consider how you will cope without power. Purchase a portable power bank to charge your cell phone and medical equipment. If you have a generator, ensure that it is functioning properly.
- Create or practice your family emergency plan. Know two ways out of your neighborhood and other locations where you and your family members spend time. Remember, you may have to evacuate from a location other than your home.
For more wildfire preparedness and prevention information, visit the websites for Keep Oregon Green at https://keeporegongreen.org/, the Oregon Department of Forestry’s restrictions map https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/Pages/fireprevention.aspx, OSU’s new Fire Program at https://extension.oregonstate.edu/fire-program and OSU’s Oregon Wildfire Risk Explorer tool: https://oregonexplorer.info/topics/wildfire-risk?ptopic=62.