Recruit Live Fire Training

Seven local Fire Districts participated in a training burn on Sunday June 13 to provide 17  
Recruit Entry
Recruit Entry
Santiam Fire Academy recruits their final task before graduation on Wednesday the 16th of June.

The day started at 9:00 am with a safety briefing and the Live Fire Training Action Plan presentation. All recruits were assigned to teams led by experienced Officers from the multiple agencies and given detailed instructions on what was expected of them and what they could expect as the day of training progressed.

The property located on 10th Street in Stayton, donated by the City of Stayton, provided an excellent opportunity for the recruits to experience first-hand many of the activities and challenges they will encounter on real fire ground operations.  Assisted by 43 other experienced Firefighters and Support personnel, it was the Recruit’s day to participate in live fire training. Recruits had the opportunity to enter and experience live fire sets in the building, learning about fire behavior, building construction, situational awareness, and the importance of good communications.  Recruits made over 14 attacks on the building before completing their interior suppression training.
Entry Crew
Entry Crew

Throughout the day the recruits were reminded of the importance of working safely, knowing their surroundings, keeping themselves hydrated to maintain their personal health, and following the action plan and the orders given by their team leaders. Because of the outstanding performance of the recruits, team leaders, instructors, safety officers and the rest of the supporting staff, the day was a complete success with no injuries. Congratulations to the recruits for all their hard work and for their commitment and dedication to their communities.


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