Volunteers Busy Visiting Classrooms this Month

This year’s Fire Prevention Theme is “Stay Fire Smart, Don’t get burned”

For Preschool and Kindergarten:
A program is used with the Pre-k and Kindergarten students, asking the students to become Fire Inspectors.  A series of flash cards and story boards are used, and the students are asked what things were “safe for play” or what things were ”keep away.”  This is a big hit with both the teachers and the students.  We also talk about calling 9-1-1, smoke alarms, and how firefighters are their friends.

For Grades 1-4:
We teach these students what types of things are fire hazards.  We brought along some visual aids, such as a surge protector from a fire which had melted cords and a frayed extension cord. We found that with the older students having some visual aids from a fire helped them fully understand the power of a fire.  We also teach about home escape plans, calling 9-1-1, and friendly fire fighters. 

For Adults:
We have ads running monthly at the Star Cinema about fire safety, and an ad in Our Town presenting gasoline safety. We have also provided Fire Extinguisher classes to a couple of businesses this month.

This month’s total so far are:

  • Station Tours - 5 adults and 20 children
  • Public Education in Schools - 50 adults and 792 children
  • Distributed 792 Kitchen Fire and Scald Safety brochures

We have more Station Tours and Classroom Visits scheduled throughout the month of October and are looking forward to visiting with each of the children.

 by Deanna Classen


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