Stayton Firefighter Alumni Meet-up!

There are a few Stayton Fire District Alumni that are meeting a few times a month to help preserve the Districts history, and in doing so are reaching out to fellow Stayton Fire Alumni to see if there is enough interest to set up a get together for those that may be interested in meeting up with old friends. 

This is an informal gathering and no dates or times or location has even been determined. At this time we are trying to gather as many interested parties names together so something can be planned. 

If you are an alumni of the District, we encourage you to please fill out the form so we can contact you. Even if you cannot make the get together, it would still be nice to say hello. 

If you know of someone that was a firefighter for the District and you think  they would be interested in this, please use the form as well and give us both yours and their information, we will gladly let them know who referred us to them. 

As updates are available, we will post them to this website, and to our Facebook account. we look forward to hearing from you!



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