Upcoming Stayton Fire Events

There are two events coming up that we hope you all can make. In July we are hosting the Ryan Walker Scholarship Breakfast & Lunch at Pioneer park during the Stayton Summerfest on the 26th. All you can eat food, served by your volunteer firefighters from 7am to 11, then lunch from 11 to 1pm. 

On August 5th, our Marion station is hosting their annual National Night Out open house and BBQ. If you live or work in the Marion area, this is the prime chance to meet your local responders, get some great food and learn about opportunities to volunteer!

As always, thank you for your continued support of the Stayton Fire District! If you are looking for opportunites to become involved with the department, please visit our volunteer information page HERE and fill out an online interest from. We will get back to you shortly!


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