Staytons Newest Firefighters!

Chiefs and Grads
2013 Academy Grads
Congratulations to all who graduated from the Spring 2013 academy. We are excited to announce that Nastasja Johnson and Joshua Heinrich both took home both of the coveted awards from this Academy. Respectfully Nastasja Johnson won the Silent Hero award and Joshua Heinrich won the Ember award. The Silent Hero award is voted by the other firefighter cadets to the person who demonstrates a positive attitude, leadership, and demonstrates the core qualities of the academy which are Pride, Honor and Integrity. The Ember award is given to the top student who also demonstrates the same qualities but has also posted the highest test scores and had a perfect attendance. Congrats to both of you for your excellent work! And congrats to their classmates and newest Stayton Firefighters Jordan Lau, Cody Schrunk and Joshua Pearce!


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