Our Newest Emergency Medical Responders (EMR's)!

EMT/FR Badge
EMS Badges
Congratulations goes out to the following Stayton Fire District members who have recently earned their EMT-Basic certifications or First Responder certifications.

EMT-B Trent Tegen - Station 80 Resident Volunteer Firefighter
EMT-B Jordan Iremonger - Station 80 Resident Volunteer Firefighter
First Responder - Gregory Beitel - Station 80 Rehab Team
First Responder - Ben Miley - Station 82 Firefighter
First Responder - Nick Lulay - Station 82 Firefighter
First Responder - Curtis Deetz - Station 82 Firefighter

The actual certifications havent been delivered as of yet, but these people have all passed the state and national testing requirements. Congratulations to all!


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