Fire District Receives New Breathing Air System from Grant

Bauer SCBA
The Stayton Fire District recently installed a new breathing air fill station and compressor. The new fill station replaces a 20 year old system.
The new breathing air station was purchased by funds made available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, in the amount of $50,000.
Included in the grant was an electrical upgrade of wiring in the fire station, new breathing air compressor, fill station and accessories.  After an evaluation process to compare features and service among vendors, the new breathing air system was purchased through Sea Western Fire apparatus and Equipment out of Kirkland Washington and delivered on September 28, 2012.  The new breathing air system was prepped for installation and the old SCBA fill station and compressor had to be safely removed from the building. On October 11, 2012 the new system was installed and training on the system began. The old fill station was sold to a fire department in Idaho.
The new breathing air system will provide firefighters with a more efficient machine and save volunteer time when refilling air bottles. The system is critical to the fire district operations and safety of our firefighters.


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