Myrtle Fire Press Release

Dishwasher fire
Myrtle Street fire
On 9/15/2012 at 5:21am Stayton Fire District responded to a residential structure fire on 311 N. Myrtle Avenue in Stayton. A total of 2 engines, 1 ladder and command vehicles responded with a total of 14 firefighters to the call. The fire, which originated in the area of the microwave oven, on top of the portable dishwasher in the kitchen was brought under control at 5:35am, ten minutes after the first unit arrived.
The extent of the fire damage was minor, but heavy smoke damage was sustained to the structure and contents. Early estimated damage was $5,000 to the structure and $10,000 to the contents. Smoke detectors were present, but not in operation at the time of fire. 4 Adults, 1 teenager and 1 cat in the house all made it out ok. The Red Cross is currently assisting the family with clothes and housing during the clean up. All of the occupants were evaluated on scene for smoke inhalation by Santiam Ambulance Paramedics. The owner was insured.

Assistant Chief Jay Alley would like to remind everyone that it is important to have working smoke detectors, a fire escape plan and to get out and stay out.  A neighbor who is a volunteer firefighter used a portable fire extinguisher to slow the flames until the fire trucks arrived; all of the doors and windows were closed which helped slow the fire spread.

For more information, please contact Assistant Chief Jay Alley @ 503-769-2601


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