Doing the right thing ...

Money Donation
Today we had an unexpected visit to the station. Two gentlemen, whom wish to remain anonymous, stopped by to donate some change they had been saving. They said they had intended to donate it during our MDA Fill the Boot event held in April but missed the date. We gratefully said we would accept the donation for MDA. What we didn’t expect was a 10 year collection of coins in a commercial water bottle that weighed in at 128lbs. One of the gentlemen remarked “We sure hope this might put at least one kid through camp. NW Preferred Federal Credit Union in Stayton offered to count the change free of charge and when the coin machine stopped it totaled over $744.81. The generosity of these two gentlemen is another great example of the compassion this community has for doing the right thing. As much as we would like to be able to tell you who they are they would not give us that information. We can tell you this, as they pulled away from the station we noticed a United States Marine Corp sticker on the back of their vehicle.

So from the Stayton Fire District and the Muscular Dystrophy Association, we are ever so grateful for the difference you are making in the lives of others. You are our hero’s.


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