Firefighters Donate $15,000 to Oregon Burn Center

Oregon Burn Center Donation
2008 Oregon Burn Center Donation

On January 14th, Frank Ehrmantraut, Sandy Johnson, Brad McKenzie, Bonnie Reid, and George Crosiar, represented Stayton Volunteer Protection Co. #1, and presented to the Oregon Burn Center Foundation a check for $15,000.  Funds were acquired during the 2008 20th Annual Golf Tournament to Benefit the Oregon Burn Center. Our original target was $10,000 but with the help of numerous sponsors, many volunteers and their families, and those teams who played at the tournament, we were able to provide substantially more to support the mission and programs of the Burn Center.

      The Burn Center Advisory Council was present during the presentation and were both surprised and pleased with what we accomplished on their behalf. Several of them commented on their appreciation for our support over the many years we have been holding the tournament.

     At the Burn Center, staff members gave us a tour of the facilities. This was very interesting and we learned about a number of their capabilities. Their staff also expressed an interest and willingness to attend one of our meetings to share more about their programs.

       Since starting the tournament in 1988, the volunteer firefighters of Stayton Fire District and our sponsors have contributed approximately $60,000 to the Burn Center. This is an example of how a small idea can take root and grow from just playing some golf for fun into results far beyond what we could expect.


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