High School Cadets Graduate

HS Cadets
2012 High School graduates
We would like to congratutulate Levi Kunkel, Scott Orr and Brian McFadden on their High School Graduation! We asked the guys a few questions about the fire service, here is what they told us.

Levi Kunkel

Q. When did you join the fire service?
A. I joined Stayton Fire in 2009 during my Junior year in High School. So I just hit my 3rd year.
Q. Why did you join?
A. I joined because I have always wanted to be a firefighter, and I asked myself why not now?   Now I have a direction for the rest of my life.
Q. What is your favorite fire service memory?
A. My favorite memory was my first burn to learn. The rush of adrenaline you get is nothing that any other sport or activity could give me.
Q. What are you most proud of?
A. I love it when people recognize that I am a firefighter and they just come up and say thank you, it feels so good to have that recognition.               
Q. What are your post high school plans?
A. Next year I知 attending Western Oregon University to start on my fire administration degree and continue at Stayton Fire District and or another department.
Scott Orr
Q. When did you join the fire service?
A. At 16 years old I joined the department and have been here for 2 years now.
Q. Why did you join?
A. I joined to follow in the footsteps of my Dad who is also a Firefighter for the district.
Q. What is your favorite fire service memory?
A. Going through academy, it was tough but well worth it. I had a fun time and got to meet a lot of people from throughout the Canyon.
Q. What are you most proud of?
A. Passing my State of Oregon 1st responder. Handling school classes and going through 6 months of additional testing was tough.
Q. What are your post high school plans?
A. I知 going to work at the family business and continue to volunteer for the District.
Brian McFadden
Q. When did you join the fire service?
A.  I started to get involved at 10 years old since I had family in the service already. I became a member of the District officially 2 years ago.
Q. Why did you join?
A. To show my little brother and my family that I can be successful. 
Q. What is your favorite fire service memory?
A. My 1st medical call. I responded to a woman with shortness of breath. I値l never forget running that call.
Q. What are you most proud of?
A. Sticking with it. Being a fulltime student with homework and classes and doing this requires a lot of time and commitment. It痴 not easy to do, but I really love it.
Q. What re your post high school plans?
A. I知 going to get my EMT-B and my firefighter 2 certificates at Chemeketa, and I値l stay busy working as well.

Good Luck to all 3 of you!


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