New Fire Attack Technology

Fire Interrupter
ARA Pro - Fire Interrupter
The Stayton Fire District has adopted a new fire attack device which allows the first on scene responders a tool to help save lives and reduce property loss. Effective immediately, Stayton Fire will be combating fire with advanced technology from ARA Safety using a device called a fire interrupter.  Incident commanders usually arrive to the scene before the fire engines and will be able to quickly and safety deploy this red canister that puts the majority of the fire out, before crews even arrive. The device which looks like a flattened fire extinguisher is thrown into the burning building and shortly later activates a non toxic fire extinguishing chemical that rapidly puts the fire out. This buys the firefighters time enough to get to victims, and eliminates some of the danger of a working fire. These types of fire extinguishers have been proven to help firefighters and save millions of dollars in property damage. One fire interrupter will be located in the command rig for its eventual future deployment.


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