Marion County Responders Challenge Coin

Challenge Coin
Marion County Emergency Responders Coin

Check out the new Marion County Emergency Responders Challenge Coin!! This is a beautiful coin which represents all Marion County Emergency Responders. The company we are working with is making us a really good deal on the coin,  200 coins at $7.50/each but if we sell 500, they reduce the price to $6.00 each.

That price includes one dollar per coin going to the Oregon Fallen Firefighter/Law Enforcement Memorial. We think we can hit the 500 mark, have a really nice coin, and make a nice donation to the Memorial.

Please let Chief Jack Carriger know how many you would like so we have an idea how many we will be ordering, and please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested in ordering coins. Chief Carriger can be reached at:
(503) 769-2601 or Jack.Carriger@StaytonFire.Org. Thanks!




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