After the Fire Documentary

The Corvallis Fire Department is sponsoring a showing of the recently completed documentary After the Fire, which tells the inspiring survival story of freshman roommates Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos after the tragic fire at Seton Hall University that killed three students in January 2000. The film also covers the story of the search for the arsonists, and an elaborate conspiracy that nearly obscured the truth.

Simons and Llanos will be attending the showing along with the film's director Guido Verweyen to share their stories.

The showing is at 7:00pm., February 22nd 2012 at the LaSells Stewart Center on the campus of Oregon State University. Attendance is free and open to the public.

To learn more about the film and the director, visit: or

For questions about the presentation, contact Jim Patton, Corvallis Fire Department at

More Links about the film:


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